Information for LGBTI*
What are the most frequently asked questions in personal talks with RAINBOW-NAC and can be of importance to visitors of our homepage? The following summary of FAQs put across some essential information.
1. What is homosexuality?
2. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
3. What does the New Apostolic Church say about homosexuality?
4. What is bisexuality?
5. What is intersexuality?
6. What is transgender?
1. What is Homosexuality
Homosexuality defines the emotional alignment and orientation of a human to partners of the same sex. This relates primarily to the emotional and social bond and includes sexuality as well, which as such is instinctive. Identities based on this are defined as gay or lesbian.
2. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
The Bible says nothing at all about homosexuality. Neither the old nor the new testament are concerned with homosexuality per the above definition. The references in the Bible solely relate to same-sex sexual acts. Those references are unsuitable for making conclusions about homosexuality per definition above.
3. What does the New Apostolic Church say about homosexuality?
Currently, there is no official statement by the New Apostolic Church about homosexuality. The official statement from 2005 was removed in 2017, yet hasn’t been replaced by a new one. Notwithstanding that there is no official statement, same-sex couples continue to be refused the Trinitarian blessing at church weddings. Likewise, homosexuals persons or persons with a transgender background are not being ordained as Church ministers. On this subject matter Rainbow-NAC also campaigns for discrimination-free behaviour towards and interaction with homo-, bi-, intersexuals and trans*.
4. What is bisexuality?
Bisexuality defines the emotional alignment and orientation of a human to partners of both sexes. This relates primarily to the emotional and social bond and includes sexuality as well, which as such is instinctive.
5. What is intersexuality?
Intersexuality refers to humans who genetically, anatomically or hormonally cannot be distinctly assigned to the male or female gender.
6. What is transgender?
Transgender is often described as the permanent inner certainty to be of the opposite gender than that born with. Part of it is the rejection of physical characteristics and role expectations associated to the congenital gender. Transgender people usually have the desire to take on the physical characteristics of the identity gender as much as possible through hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery. They want to live socially and juridically accepted in the desired gender role.